Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Bench Test Today

We had Bench Press Test today in Weight Training Class.... About half the class didn't get the bar within 6 inches of their chest.... SMH

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Workout Advice

A GOOD WORKOUT depends on more than just the right exercises. It also means doing them in the right order. After all, no exercise is performed in a vacuum. Every move you make affects the ones that come after it and, ultimately, your results, says fitness expert Ashley Borden, Borden's advice: Do your strength training before you even look at a piece of cardio equipment. Why? If you tucker yourself out on the treadmill, you're going to have trouble eking out reps in the weight room. When you're tired, your form suffers, and the last place you want to be struggling with your hip positioning is under a heavy barbell, she says. Plus, strength training is what really builds muscle and burns the most calories over the long term.
Similar logic follows when it comes to the order of your strength moves. "You always want to hit your major muscle groups first. 
Also, to keep from wearing out any one muscle, Borden recommends completing two "pulling" exercises for every one "pushing" exercise. For example, follow up a dumbbell incline press (pushing) with a couple of pulling exercises, like a seated row or bent-over reverse fly with dumbbells.
It sounds a lot more complicated that it really is. Once you get into a routine  you won't even have to think about ordering your exercises the right way. 

More Info

Saturday, April 5, 2014


I personally don't like this lift, but it is very important.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Build a better bum

One move can be your secret to quickly activate muscle growth in your backside
To create grabbable 
glutes, you need to hit heavy weights. "The barbell hip thrust is your weapon of choice," says Bret Contreras, C.S.C.S., who's trained Olympic and professional athletes. "The move activates your glutes better than any other exercise, you can really load it up, and it's completely safe." Use a weight you can lift at least 10 times. "This creates a lot of tension and metabolic stress on the muscle, two big factors of muscle growth," he says.

Load a barbell and place it on the floor parallel to a bench. Sit on the floor and put the barbell across your hips, keeping your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and back resting against the bench. Push your upper back into the bench and raise your hips so the barbell rests there and your knees, hips, and back are aligned. Do not extend past that point. Squeeze your butt at the top of the move. Slowly lower the bar until the plates touch the floor. That's 1 repetition. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Mens Health